Saturday, September 2, 2017

Title:  Rabbit Hole: A Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor's Story
Author:  David Shurter
Publisher: Consider it Creative
Available: Now
Genre: Memoir
Source: Netgalley

From the nationwide satanic panic in the 1980s to local political cover-ups, shocking kidnappings, unsolved child murders, and scandalous pedophile rings, this book takes you behind the deceptive headlines and, finally, reveals what was going on in Omaha when all hell broke loose. Rich and well-connected members of Omaha's elite carried out unspeakable acts of abuse and even murder on innocent children. David Shurter was one of those sexually abused survivors forever scarred by the horrible rites performed on him by his own parents and other followers of Satan. It wasn't until he entered psychotherapy in midlife that long ignored childhood memories came to light, and when he discovered his gruesome nightmares were indeed real. This book, finally, is an expose of the surprising participants and unbelievable horrors involving murder, drugs, lavish parties, pedophiles, suspected government conspiracies, and the Omaha gay scene that cast a dark cloud of suspicion over an unsuspecting city. David Shurter takes you down the rabbit hole.

Wow, speechless.  There's the camp that thinks this is a true tale of the cover-up of the 80's and those that think there is no way this could happen.  I know something had to have happened to David, the story that is told is just so horrific for some of it not to have happened.  (trigger warning- this book has a lot of abuse and if that is troublesome for you, I'd skip this book)  Even if the abuse isn't always explicit there's enough knowledge to infer what happened.  There are some editing problems that make the book seem run on, but it's still one of those memoirs that will stick with you and be glad that there are good people in the world too.  Thanks to netgalley for the review copy.

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