Title: Water's Edge
Author: Robert Whitlow
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Source: NetGalley
Available: 8/02/11
About the book:
Water's Edge is a Christian legal thriller. Tom Crane, an up and coming lawyer with a prestigious firm is on his way up in the corporate world. His father's death causes some delay because he has to take a trip to Bethel and close out his father's law office. In less than a day, he finds himself alone and without a job and wondering what was to become of his life. Finding money in an unexpected account causes more trouble than he can handle. This money finds him on a trail of deceit, lies and men who would stop at nothing to quiet the situation.
My take:
I couldn't put this book down. It had a little bit of everything a book lover loves: love, suspense, lots of colorful characters, a dog and more. The plot started off a little slow, but once things started happening it flew. The spiritual journey Tom finds himself on as well as the legal one seemed lifelike. He dealt with many situations in his spiritual walk that many people can relate to. There are some technical details that will appeal to readers who like learning more about law and like more technical details in their reading selections. I'm glad I was on vacation when I picked this book up... it was a definite page turner!
The author:
Robert Whitlow is an author and a practicing attorney who sets his legal thrillers in the south. Check out his new website for other titles in his library.
5 thumbs up!
I was given a copy of this book to review by Netgalley and the publisher. No other compensation was given and all opinions are solely mine.