Author: Jodie Cooper
Publisher: Jodie B. Cooper
Available: Now on Amazon for Kindle or Smashwords
Source: author

rating: pg13
About the book:
This is a love story for Katrina and Eric, only Eric doesn't know it. Vampires listen to their synth crystal to determine their lifemate. Katrina knows that Eric is her one and only, but Eric hasn't gone through vampire puberty yet to hear his sing for Katrina. Along comes Clarisse, who for reasons of her own, decides that she deserves Eric. Katrina must fight for Eric even though she may lose her family in the process and more importantly may even lose her only chance for a life mate.
My take:
Great premise for a series. Even though this was book 3 in the Sidhi series, I didn't feel totally lost, especially since a Sidhi glossary was included! I enjoyed this short story (22,000 words) and am going to look for the first two books in the series to find out more about Sidhi culture and ways. Character development was pretty good for such a short story (at least for the main characters). I have learned that another of Ms. Cooper's novels has more of the characters that appeared in this book. I think that this could be a great addition to the libraries of those who love series books. I don't know how far Ms. Cooper will take the Song of the Sidhi, but I could see it continuing for awhile. It was a very fluent read and I'd recommend this for all vampire lovers...or even for those who aren't into vampires but love those true love stories!
About the author:
She's a writer and a reader currently living in Oklahoma. She can be found in numerous places including the Sidhi Blog, Facebook and Twitter.
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I was given a copy of this from the author for review. No other compensation was given and I was not required to give a positive review.